Qigong is a mind body practice that encompasses many forms under the 3 main categories of Moving Qigong (Dao Yin), Standing Qigong (Zhan Zhuang), and Meditative Qigong (Nei Gong).
It is not necessary or possible to learn all forms of Qigong. Indeed, dedicating your practice with the intention to learning one form to a master level is recommended.
Qigong basically translates as Qi = energy and Gong = work. Therefore, qigong meaning energy work. This embodies physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy.
A regular practice of qigong can help to balance the flow of energy, clear energy blockages, restore depleted energy, and calm overactive energy.
The Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi form of Qigong is easy to learn. It can be practiced standing or seated. Students practice at a level suitable to each individual. Research in hospitals in China has demonstrated that visualization of the movements is also of benefit.
The 18 movements of Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi are gentle, flowing and weight bearing. Therefore, of benefit to the musculoskeletal system by maintaining and improving strength, flexibility and range of motion.
A regular practice of Tai Chi Qigong Shibashi can improve the balance and co-ordination. This plays an important role in fall prevention.
The concept of the Qi follows the Yi refers to the fact that where the mind goes the energy will follow. Practicing with intention can have positive results for emotional regulation. [read more]
The Dao De Jing (Tao Te Ching) authored by Lao Zi is a classic text summarizing the Daoist philosophy. Many English translations are available.